Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Even a Cup of Cold Water

I borrowed the following paragraphs from Eric Denton's JACKETS FOR JESUS; it deserves a reading. No clue who those two are...reports Eric, just one of the hundreds of couples who passed by us in their limousines to People Magazine's Emmy Celebration Party for Entertainment Tonight- held in what was formerly St. Vibiana's- with a long, wide red carpet covering our former work area.

"If you ever served with us in the past, you beat the rich and famous to the place they stood in line to get into last night to hear Mary J Blige and celebrate their success. (If you want to read more about it or watch the video's of the night- the above photo's a link to their coverage of their own party.)

"Every limousine, literally every single guest to the party- less than two hundred yards from our line -had to drive to a roadblock at 3rd and Main, where the city closed off Main St, and only the invited were let in. The limo's formed long lines next to our line... long lines of dark windows... I'd wave at the line of staring limo drivers, who'd quickly look away, every star in every photo at their site- drove right by us.

"Not one of them rolled down their window to wave their Emmy and yell: "Hey! Look! I WON!" Not one stopped to invite someone into the party with them. Though the level of "call girls" on the corner had stepped up about twenty notches as they tried to get some limo business. Don't know how they came out. The men and women in our line barely bothered to look up.

"Talking with one man he said: "They never even look at us..." I said: "It must make you feel invisible." Looking down, he shook his head as if to say: "it is what it is..." and shuffled forward for his hamburger. I wasn't angry- in fact I went to security across the street to see if they'd let us drive the van through the limo line so our workers could enjoy the moment: "NO!"

"Thought about my evening... I had our workers walk down past St Vibiana's so they could see the stars- what fun! I drove the van around the corner and met them at the other side of the block. Driving, I thought about buying the burgers: Miguel, the manager of the McDonald's we've met at for over 20 years refused to discount the burgers Sunday night, the guard on a public street refused to let the Jackets for Jesus van cruise through and enjoy their moment in the spotlight, the stars- rich, famous, admired by millions - beautiful and many victorious, drove right by and wouldn't even roll down their windows... they all missed incredible opportunities to change lives- to be a blessing, to make the simple act of sharing themselves with those the world overlooks: the "invisible" poor, important.

"Some day this party's going to be over. I don't think Jesus meant it as a threat when He talked about it- He just knew it better than the rest of us -and so He spoke from His Heart. Someday the simple acts of love done in darkness- when the spotlight of the world is shining brightly, literally, just down the street -will be remembered, when the real party starts and real rewards are handed out.

"None of us serve for that reason... but it hurts to think about how so many are missing out on the real joy and so many feel invisible because the world refuses to look or even to roll down their window. Thanks so much for your part in Jackets for Jesus. Thanks for your prayers, your support, you. Because of you a crowd of people lines up every week and knows that God- that God's people -remember, we're family. He's Our Father.

"You're invited to join us any Sunday night. To begin a legacy of change and love in your family, in your community. We're going to the streets this week. You're invited. You're needed. Now, more than ever for changing lives,Eric M. Denton."

From Walking with Warner, saluting all the faithful people out there who are giving their cups of cold water (and more)in the name of Jesus,

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