Wednesday, June 24, 2009

National American Convention

First time I ever went to Anderson, Indiana was (I think) 1944; I wanted to hear the noted Missionary from India, E. Stanley Jones. I was 16. Found a dirty little factory town, but experienced enough inspiration and friendship that I am still making the annual pilgrimmage to NAC, with the exception of 1-2 years since 1952.

We'll set up the books when the big U-haul arrives from Reformation Publishers and spend a week seeing as many people as we can, and enjoying what of the inspirational that we can manage for two old duffers.

I'll not be into the General Assembly, but took care of our ballots via absentee; I believe in participation, whether I approve everything or not. This has been the heart of our FAITH FAMILY for well past fifty years--ordained in Dallas in March 1952.

The family has changed a lot in those years, like everything else. Yet, there are some things that do not change: my wife is a living miracle; people of faith are the salt of the earth, and God is good.

From Warner's World, I'll have more to say about the GA, the White Paper by Duncan, and other stuff I might offer an opinion about. Meantime, we all need to pray for more love and understanding as we reach open palms to people who sometimes fear to unclench their fists...............

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