First time I ever went to Anderson, Indiana was (I think) 1944; I wanted to hear the noted Missionary from India, E. Stanley Jones. I was 16. Found a dirty little factory town, but experienced enough inspiration and friendship that I am still making the annual pilgrimmage to NAC, with the exception of 1-2 years since 1952.
We'll set up the books when the big U-haul arrives from Reformation Publishers and spend a week seeing as many people as we can, and enjoying what of the inspirational that we can manage for two old duffers.
I'll not be into the General Assembly, but took care of our ballots via absentee; I believe in participation, whether I approve everything or not. This has been the heart of our FAITH FAMILY for well past fifty years--ordained in Dallas in March 1952.
The family has changed a lot in those years, like everything else. Yet, there are some things that do not change: my wife is a living miracle; people of faith are the salt of the earth, and God is good.
From Warner's World, I'll have more to say about the GA, the White Paper by Duncan, and other stuff I might offer an opinion about. Meantime, we all need to pray for more love and understanding as we reach open palms to people who sometimes fear to unclench their fists...............
A site of special-interest to followers of the Church of God [Anderson, Indiana Convention],--EVERYONE welcome--to chat about healing and uniting our diverse global family. God be with you and yours as we share His Healing.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thoughts Regarding Iran
Iran is in turmoil. The country faces civil unrest. The current administration claims a legal victory. The opposition claims a fraudulent loss. Whoever wins this struggle, people are dying, although the nation will stay fundamentally the same, the same religious theocracy, the same attitude toward the Western world, the same outlook on social and cultural relationships--relatively speaking.
As I watched the scenes of violence and listened to cautious commentary, I could not help but recall the days of the Protestant Reformation. In Germany, the Papal Rome ruled supreme, aided by the German Monarch. The Church State was controlled from the Vatican. Today’s, Iran is controlled by the Ayatollah, with the assistance of the elected government.
Politically, it is still a Church State, but called a Theocracy. Whether under Papal Rome, or under Islamic Theocracy, the state is governed by the dominant laws of the controlling religion. Papal Rome is one form of Christian denomination; middle-eastern nations are under Islam, whichever sect or denomination happens to be in power.
In the current Iran conflict there are two Ayatollah’s powering the struggle, one on each side of the struggle. America was birthed out of the struggles within nations where Christianity was the dominant faith. When Luther attempted to have public discussions via his 95 Theses, he was treated like the current opposition Iranians are being treated and he fled for his life, as did many later Anabaptists flee from the Calvinists, and as non-Islamists are often forced to do.
That led to the story of the Radical Reformation--called third by some--and the birthing of the Free Church Movement led by the re-baptizers (Anabaptists, sometimes called stepchildren of the Reformation). The parallels between the Christian Church and the followers of Mohammed is striking.
The ruling political powers dominated; there was no democracy as we know it today. The free church movement came out of the Anabaptist struggles. Eventually Roger Williams and certain Baptists played a huge role as they established themselves in Rhode Island. The printed Bible paved the way to liberty to people tightly controlled, and America struggled to finally accept equality and civil rights for all denominations. Non-Christians gained the liberty to be non-Christian if they chose.
Islam still tightly controls their political, social, and cultural life, in a male-dominated fascist society. It punishes punitively. It subjugates women. It demands conformity for all. Yet, current Iranians seemingly press for the liberty of being social non-conformists and individuals. How long Islam can oppress people remains to be seen.
Americans do well to recognize the political debts they owe Christianity and the Bible--even those not calling America a “Christian” nation--even atheists. Islam should take a lesson from Christian Church history. They can tighten the grip on their lives--religiously, politically, and socially. Or, they can learn that absolute power absolutely corrupts, and that you cannot keep always people enslaved, subjugated, and forever forced to conform to the powers that be.
Whether Jehovah God or Allah, the biblical account of creation declares humanity was created in the image and likeness of God. That further suggests, as our Declaration of Independence recognizes, individual people--male and female--do have certain inalienable rights--under God--Jehovah--Allah.
Anything less, be it under the banner of Christianity or Islam, is fascist--call it what you will. Let humanity link together as humanity and recognize one another as human beings created in the image and likeness of God. Beyond that, Jesus said, that if we pursued truth far enough we would find truth, God, and a life together as human beings.
This is Wayne from Warner’s World
As I watched the scenes of violence and listened to cautious commentary, I could not help but recall the days of the Protestant Reformation. In Germany, the Papal Rome ruled supreme, aided by the German Monarch. The Church State was controlled from the Vatican. Today’s, Iran is controlled by the Ayatollah, with the assistance of the elected government.
Politically, it is still a Church State, but called a Theocracy. Whether under Papal Rome, or under Islamic Theocracy, the state is governed by the dominant laws of the controlling religion. Papal Rome is one form of Christian denomination; middle-eastern nations are under Islam, whichever sect or denomination happens to be in power.
In the current Iran conflict there are two Ayatollah’s powering the struggle, one on each side of the struggle. America was birthed out of the struggles within nations where Christianity was the dominant faith. When Luther attempted to have public discussions via his 95 Theses, he was treated like the current opposition Iranians are being treated and he fled for his life, as did many later Anabaptists flee from the Calvinists, and as non-Islamists are often forced to do.
That led to the story of the Radical Reformation--called third by some--and the birthing of the Free Church Movement led by the re-baptizers (Anabaptists, sometimes called stepchildren of the Reformation). The parallels between the Christian Church and the followers of Mohammed is striking.
The ruling political powers dominated; there was no democracy as we know it today. The free church movement came out of the Anabaptist struggles. Eventually Roger Williams and certain Baptists played a huge role as they established themselves in Rhode Island. The printed Bible paved the way to liberty to people tightly controlled, and America struggled to finally accept equality and civil rights for all denominations. Non-Christians gained the liberty to be non-Christian if they chose.
Islam still tightly controls their political, social, and cultural life, in a male-dominated fascist society. It punishes punitively. It subjugates women. It demands conformity for all. Yet, current Iranians seemingly press for the liberty of being social non-conformists and individuals. How long Islam can oppress people remains to be seen.
Americans do well to recognize the political debts they owe Christianity and the Bible--even those not calling America a “Christian” nation--even atheists. Islam should take a lesson from Christian Church history. They can tighten the grip on their lives--religiously, politically, and socially. Or, they can learn that absolute power absolutely corrupts, and that you cannot keep always people enslaved, subjugated, and forever forced to conform to the powers that be.
Whether Jehovah God or Allah, the biblical account of creation declares humanity was created in the image and likeness of God. That further suggests, as our Declaration of Independence recognizes, individual people--male and female--do have certain inalienable rights--under God--Jehovah--Allah.
Anything less, be it under the banner of Christianity or Islam, is fascist--call it what you will. Let humanity link together as humanity and recognize one another as human beings created in the image and likeness of God. Beyond that, Jesus said, that if we pursued truth far enough we would find truth, God, and a life together as human beings.
This is Wayne from Warner’s World
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Middle East Peace Effort
Combatants for Peace [] is a group of Israeli and Palestinian individuals actively involved in the cycle of violence found in Palestine. The Israelis served as combat soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces. The Palestinians were involved in acts of violence in the name of Palestinian liberation.
Each used weapons against the other. Each saw the other only through weapon sights. TODAY they cooperate together and have committed themselves to the following:
1. We no longer believe this conflict can be resolved through violence.
2. We believe the blood bath will not end unless we act together to terminate the occupation and stop all forms of violence.
3. We call for the establishment of a Palestinian State, alongside the State of Israel. The two states can exist in peace and security one by the other.
4. We will use only non violent means to achieve our goals and call for both societies to end violence.
"Combatants for Peace" became a joint movement, started by Palestinians and Israelis, who have taken an active role in the cycle of violence; Israelis as soldiers in the Israeli army (IDF) and Palestinians as part of the violent struggle for Palestinian freedom. After brandishing weapons for so many years, and having seen one another only through weapon sights, we have decided to put down our guns, and to fight for peace.
That only by joining forces, will we be able to end the cycle of violence, the bloodshed and the occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people. We no longer believe it possible to resolve the conflict between the two peoples through violent means; therefore we declare that we refuse to take part any more in the mutual bloodletting (emphasis added).
We will act only by non-violent means so that each side will come to understand the national aspirations of the other side. We see dialogue and reconciliation as the only way to act in order to terminate the Israeli occupation, to halt the settlement project and to establish a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem, alongside the State of Israel.
To raise the consciousness in both publics regarding the hopes and suffering of the other side, and to create partners in dialogue.
To educate towards reconciliation and non-violent struggle in both the Israeli and Palestinian societies.
To create political pressure on both Governments to stop the cycle of violence, end the occupation and resume a constructive dialog.
I view this as an effort in which Christians can join non-Christians, and Westerners can join Easterners, in actualizing peace in the Middle East. Peace is a goal that is always worthy of our best efforts. This is a significant key to peace in all parts of our world. It merits not only our prayers but it deserves our participation. As a key to world peace, this is a place for some of us to help others to make a difference for all of us.
Let all of us become PEACEMAKERS BY INTENTION,not by accident.
This is Wayne in Warner’s World…
Each used weapons against the other. Each saw the other only through weapon sights. TODAY they cooperate together and have committed themselves to the following:
1. We no longer believe this conflict can be resolved through violence.
2. We believe the blood bath will not end unless we act together to terminate the occupation and stop all forms of violence.
3. We call for the establishment of a Palestinian State, alongside the State of Israel. The two states can exist in peace and security one by the other.
4. We will use only non violent means to achieve our goals and call for both societies to end violence.
"Combatants for Peace" became a joint movement, started by Palestinians and Israelis, who have taken an active role in the cycle of violence; Israelis as soldiers in the Israeli army (IDF) and Palestinians as part of the violent struggle for Palestinian freedom. After brandishing weapons for so many years, and having seen one another only through weapon sights, we have decided to put down our guns, and to fight for peace.
That only by joining forces, will we be able to end the cycle of violence, the bloodshed and the occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people. We no longer believe it possible to resolve the conflict between the two peoples through violent means; therefore we declare that we refuse to take part any more in the mutual bloodletting (emphasis added).
We will act only by non-violent means so that each side will come to understand the national aspirations of the other side. We see dialogue and reconciliation as the only way to act in order to terminate the Israeli occupation, to halt the settlement project and to establish a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem, alongside the State of Israel.
To raise the consciousness in both publics regarding the hopes and suffering of the other side, and to create partners in dialogue.
To educate towards reconciliation and non-violent struggle in both the Israeli and Palestinian societies.
To create political pressure on both Governments to stop the cycle of violence, end the occupation and resume a constructive dialog.
I view this as an effort in which Christians can join non-Christians, and Westerners can join Easterners, in actualizing peace in the Middle East. Peace is a goal that is always worthy of our best efforts. This is a significant key to peace in all parts of our world. It merits not only our prayers but it deserves our participation. As a key to world peace, this is a place for some of us to help others to make a difference for all of us.
Let all of us become PEACEMAKERS BY INTENTION,not by accident.
This is Wayne in Warner’s World…
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Human Trafficking
Is it possible that Christians [people for that matter] just aren’t angry enough about injustices like human trafficking and slavery? Could it be that we have become too desensitized, domesticated, and docile? I agree .. there are times when the church needs to have a much deeper anger than they do about the grave injustices of the world, especially when it involves exploiting our children.
Too many have reduced their faith to comfortable, convenient and self-serving pleasantries of the good life! Because we ARE informed and perhaps transformed (?) by Christ, is it enough just to say “To Hell with (injustice)? Just when is enough, enough?
Sources cite as many as 27 million slaves around the world! The sex trade industry consists of 80 percent women and more than half are minors--children and teenagers. Cornel West says it as only he can say it: Indifference to injustice is more insidious than the injustice itself.
Following are some sources that are helping to fight this ugly war:
Break the Chains – an initiative of the Evangelical Covenant Church
The Sold Project – focused on fighting and stopping child prostitution.
Free the Slaves – liberates slaves around the world, helps them rebuild their lives, and researches real world solutions to eradicate slavery forever.
International Justice Mission – legal advocates for justice around the world.
JustOne – foundation for relief and development on issues of poverty, orphans, and human trafficking.
Stop the Traffik – abolitionists coalition of over 900 organizations.
Not For Sale – campaign to end slavery.
Love 146 – works toward the abolition of child sex trafficking and exploitation through aftercare, prevention, and advocacy.
Call + Response: – film and action that you can show at your church!
Eugene Cho is certainly right on target when he concludes To Hell with Human Trafficking [06-03-2009, the Sojo site.
From Warner’s World, Wayne
Too many have reduced their faith to comfortable, convenient and self-serving pleasantries of the good life! Because we ARE informed and perhaps transformed (?) by Christ, is it enough just to say “To Hell with (injustice)? Just when is enough, enough?
Sources cite as many as 27 million slaves around the world! The sex trade industry consists of 80 percent women and more than half are minors--children and teenagers. Cornel West says it as only he can say it: Indifference to injustice is more insidious than the injustice itself.
Following are some sources that are helping to fight this ugly war:
Break the Chains – an initiative of the Evangelical Covenant Church
The Sold Project – focused on fighting and stopping child prostitution.
Free the Slaves – liberates slaves around the world, helps them rebuild their lives, and researches real world solutions to eradicate slavery forever.
International Justice Mission – legal advocates for justice around the world.
JustOne – foundation for relief and development on issues of poverty, orphans, and human trafficking.
Stop the Traffik – abolitionists coalition of over 900 organizations.
Not For Sale – campaign to end slavery.
Love 146 – works toward the abolition of child sex trafficking and exploitation through aftercare, prevention, and advocacy.
Call + Response: – film and action that you can show at your church!
Eugene Cho is certainly right on target when he concludes To Hell with Human Trafficking [06-03-2009, the Sojo site.
From Warner’s World, Wayne
Sunday, June 14, 2009
There is a bill pending, the Senator Paul Simon Water for the World Act of 2009 (S. 624). This bill will help provide 100 million people with first-time, sustainable access to clean water and sanitation by 2015.
Unclean water, together with poor sanitation, is a leading cause of child mortality. An estimated 4,100 children die every day from diarrheal diseases spread through poor sanitation and hygiene. The very existence of such conditions demonstrates society’s failure on the part of all nations to provide access to the most basic life-sustaining element: clean water.
The Water for the World Act targets underdeveloped countries with focused initiatives to improve access to clean water and sanitation; fosters global cooperation on research and development; provides technical assistance and capacity-building; provides seed money for the deployment of clean water and sanitation technologies; and strengthens the human infrastructure at USAID and the State Department to implement clean water and sanitation programs.
This bill will help establish the capacity and momentum needed to reach the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) on increasing access to water and sanitation by 2015. If those MDG targets are met, the benefits will include a total annual economic return of $22 billion for Africa in saved time, increased productivity and reduced health costs. And 203,000 fewer children will die in 2015 from lack of access to clean water and sanitation.
Because of such views, I am castigated for belong to those to are growing BIG GOVERNMENT, who involving us in SOCIALISM, and some consider me a left wing liberal (whatever that is). The very idea! This is not a political issue. This is a deeply moral, ethical, and theological issue and it involves what kind of a world my grandson is going to live in..
This is how I would want to be treated if I were not already an American enjoying piped-in water and all the modern conveniences. More so, it is the kind of a world I want my currently visiting grandson to live in and be part of (I could be proud of that). This is about loving my brother as myself, which is my biblical faith, immersed deeply in the words of Jesus, who is a reality to me and a constant companion.
IF WE CAN AFFORD TO SPEND 57% OF OUR NATIONAL BUDGET FOR MILITARY OPERATIONS, as is proposed for 2010, the VERY AUDACITY to complain about a bill of this nature. We’re complaining our heads off about our BROKEN HEALTH SYSTEM, yet that only amounts to 6%of our national budget. Can you believe that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let us stop being manipulated by selfish politicians, misguided theorists, misinformed religionists, et al, and get back to basic human decency and doing what is right.
From Warner’s World, this is Wayne hoping to be part of making a REAL AND SIGNIFICANT difference………
Unclean water, together with poor sanitation, is a leading cause of child mortality. An estimated 4,100 children die every day from diarrheal diseases spread through poor sanitation and hygiene. The very existence of such conditions demonstrates society’s failure on the part of all nations to provide access to the most basic life-sustaining element: clean water.
The Water for the World Act targets underdeveloped countries with focused initiatives to improve access to clean water and sanitation; fosters global cooperation on research and development; provides technical assistance and capacity-building; provides seed money for the deployment of clean water and sanitation technologies; and strengthens the human infrastructure at USAID and the State Department to implement clean water and sanitation programs.
This bill will help establish the capacity and momentum needed to reach the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) on increasing access to water and sanitation by 2015. If those MDG targets are met, the benefits will include a total annual economic return of $22 billion for Africa in saved time, increased productivity and reduced health costs. And 203,000 fewer children will die in 2015 from lack of access to clean water and sanitation.
Because of such views, I am castigated for belong to those to are growing BIG GOVERNMENT, who involving us in SOCIALISM, and some consider me a left wing liberal (whatever that is). The very idea! This is not a political issue. This is a deeply moral, ethical, and theological issue and it involves what kind of a world my grandson is going to live in..
This is how I would want to be treated if I were not already an American enjoying piped-in water and all the modern conveniences. More so, it is the kind of a world I want my currently visiting grandson to live in and be part of (I could be proud of that). This is about loving my brother as myself, which is my biblical faith, immersed deeply in the words of Jesus, who is a reality to me and a constant companion.
IF WE CAN AFFORD TO SPEND 57% OF OUR NATIONAL BUDGET FOR MILITARY OPERATIONS, as is proposed for 2010, the VERY AUDACITY to complain about a bill of this nature. We’re complaining our heads off about our BROKEN HEALTH SYSTEM, yet that only amounts to 6%of our national budget. Can you believe that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let us stop being manipulated by selfish politicians, misguided theorists, misinformed religionists, et al, and get back to basic human decency and doing what is right.
From Warner’s World, this is Wayne hoping to be part of making a REAL AND SIGNIFICANT difference………
Thursday, June 11, 2009
In Support of War
President Obama’s proposed 2010 national budget is as follows:
57% - Dept. of Defense, War, Veteran's Administration,
6% Health and Human Services,
6% Transportation,
4% State and other International Programs,
4% Housing and Urban Development,
4 $ Education,
4% Other Agencies,
3% Homeland Security,
2% Energy,
2% Agriculture,
2% Justice,
2% Environmental Protection Agency,
1% NASA,
1% Commerce,
1% Labor,
1% Treasury
1% Interior.
America is not a peaceful nation when it spends 57% of its total budget for military and war purposes. What does that say about our national priorities? The best legacy we can leave to our children is to reduce our military spending.
I for one am not at all satisfied to spend that many of my tax dollars for purposes of war and military support. How about if we at least dedicated ten percent of our military budget to peace causes!!!
From Warner’s World,
give the world a smile, a warm handshake, and some true love,
57% - Dept. of Defense, War, Veteran's Administration,
6% Health and Human Services,
6% Transportation,
4% State and other International Programs,
4% Housing and Urban Development,
4 $ Education,
4% Other Agencies,
3% Homeland Security,
2% Energy,
2% Agriculture,
2% Justice,
2% Environmental Protection Agency,
1% NASA,
1% Commerce,
1% Labor,
1% Treasury
1% Interior.
America is not a peaceful nation when it spends 57% of its total budget for military and war purposes. What does that say about our national priorities? The best legacy we can leave to our children is to reduce our military spending.
I for one am not at all satisfied to spend that many of my tax dollars for purposes of war and military support. How about if we at least dedicated ten percent of our military budget to peace causes!!!
From Warner’s World,
give the world a smile, a warm handshake, and some true love,
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Social Madness
A year ago Dana Hedgpeth, Washington Post Staff Writer, reported government auditors issuing a scathing review of dozens of the Pentagon's biggest weapons systems. They found ships, aircraft and satellites billions of dollars over budget and years behind schedule.
The Government Accountability Office found 95 major systems that exceeded their budgets by some $295 billion--totaling $1.6 trillion. Most were delivered almost two years late on average, and none of the systems looked at had met all of the standards for best management practices during their development stages.
Auditors admitted the Defense Department showed few signs of improvement since the GAO began issuing its annual assessments of selected weapons systems six years ago. "It's not getting any better by any means," concluded Michael Sullivan, director of the GAO's acquisition and sourcing team. "It's taking longer and costing more."
A Pentagon spokesman issued a written statement saying, "We'd like to look at what GAO has said, and at the appropriate time make an informed comment." The Pentagon doubled the amount committed to new systems, from $790 billion in 2000 to $1.6 trillion last year, according to the 205-page GAO report. Total acquisition costs in 2007 for major defense programs increased 26 percent from first estimates. In 2000, 75 programs had cost increases totaling 6 percent. Development costs in 2007 for the systems rose 40 percent from initial projections, compared with 27 percent in 2000. Current programs are delivered 21 months late on average, five months later than in 2000.
"In most cases, programs also failed to deliver capabilities when promised -- often forcing war fighters to spend additional funds on maintaining" existing weapons systems, the report says.
The GAO chose 72 of the 95 systems to examine, based on high-dollar value and congressional interest. The various systems were at different stages of the acquisition process over the last year.
The report details projects like the Navy's $5.2 billion Littoral Combat Ship, which has had such extensive troubles that the service expects the cost of its first two ships to exceed their combined budget of $472 million by more than 100 percent. The Navy canceled construction of the planned third and fourth ships by Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics, the prime contractors on the project.
The government is facing higher development costs on eight major programs, including Lockheed Martin's Joint Strike Fighter and Boeing's Future Combat Systems, a technology to connect unmanned aircraft and vehicles. The prices for those two programs have risen 36 percent and 40 percent, respectively, from the initial contracts, the GAO said, partly because the government wants "new and unproven technologies" and did not undertake early analysis to make sure its requirements could be met.
In a statement, Lockheed said that the Joint Strike Fighter "is performing solidly, making outstanding technical progress in the context of the most complex aircraft ever built" and that "the bedrock and the cornerstone" of the F-35 program have been "affordability and cost containment."
In another case, the initial contract target price of Boeing's program to modernize avionics in the C-130 cargo plane is expected to skyrocket 323 percent, to $2 billion. Another Boeing program, for a radio system, is up 310 percent, to $966 million."Boeing's commitment is to deliver on our promises to our military customers and meeting their requirements in the most cost-effective way possible," the company said in a statement.
A thoughtful reading of such reports easily brings one to conclude that there will always be wars and rumors of war, not because the Bible says it, but because it is highly profitable. It provides lucrative wealth, good jobs for the economy, and justification for its maintenance. The simple fact is we prefer to anchor our society on money-makers; arms manufacturing needs war to justify such manufacturing, even if it is blood money. It also needs the political support of those who utilize terror as a means of controlling those who would eliminate the wide distribution of arms.
The issue weaves its way right down to Main Street, USA. Early in 2008 a young Marine came home on leave. Having survived the war in Iraq, he was so wary of street crime in his home town that he carried only $8 to avoid becoming a robbery target. Despite his caution, Lance Cpl. Robert Crutchfield, 21, was shot point-blank in the neck during a robbery at a bus stop. Feeding and breathing tubes kept him alive 4 1/2 months, until he died of an infection on May 18, 2008--corollary damages from our passionate propagation of guns and violence.
We will have peace only when we work at changing the hearts of men. When the ancient Wiseman suggested madness is in their hearts while they live, I wonder: was he talking about the perpetrators or those of us who allow such anti-social behavior (Ecclesiastes 9:3) …?
From Warner’s World, Wayne
The Government Accountability Office found 95 major systems that exceeded their budgets by some $295 billion--totaling $1.6 trillion. Most were delivered almost two years late on average, and none of the systems looked at had met all of the standards for best management practices during their development stages.
Auditors admitted the Defense Department showed few signs of improvement since the GAO began issuing its annual assessments of selected weapons systems six years ago. "It's not getting any better by any means," concluded Michael Sullivan, director of the GAO's acquisition and sourcing team. "It's taking longer and costing more."
A Pentagon spokesman issued a written statement saying, "We'd like to look at what GAO has said, and at the appropriate time make an informed comment." The Pentagon doubled the amount committed to new systems, from $790 billion in 2000 to $1.6 trillion last year, according to the 205-page GAO report. Total acquisition costs in 2007 for major defense programs increased 26 percent from first estimates. In 2000, 75 programs had cost increases totaling 6 percent. Development costs in 2007 for the systems rose 40 percent from initial projections, compared with 27 percent in 2000. Current programs are delivered 21 months late on average, five months later than in 2000.
"In most cases, programs also failed to deliver capabilities when promised -- often forcing war fighters to spend additional funds on maintaining" existing weapons systems, the report says.
The GAO chose 72 of the 95 systems to examine, based on high-dollar value and congressional interest. The various systems were at different stages of the acquisition process over the last year.
The report details projects like the Navy's $5.2 billion Littoral Combat Ship, which has had such extensive troubles that the service expects the cost of its first two ships to exceed their combined budget of $472 million by more than 100 percent. The Navy canceled construction of the planned third and fourth ships by Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics, the prime contractors on the project.
The government is facing higher development costs on eight major programs, including Lockheed Martin's Joint Strike Fighter and Boeing's Future Combat Systems, a technology to connect unmanned aircraft and vehicles. The prices for those two programs have risen 36 percent and 40 percent, respectively, from the initial contracts, the GAO said, partly because the government wants "new and unproven technologies" and did not undertake early analysis to make sure its requirements could be met.
In a statement, Lockheed said that the Joint Strike Fighter "is performing solidly, making outstanding technical progress in the context of the most complex aircraft ever built" and that "the bedrock and the cornerstone" of the F-35 program have been "affordability and cost containment."
In another case, the initial contract target price of Boeing's program to modernize avionics in the C-130 cargo plane is expected to skyrocket 323 percent, to $2 billion. Another Boeing program, for a radio system, is up 310 percent, to $966 million."Boeing's commitment is to deliver on our promises to our military customers and meeting their requirements in the most cost-effective way possible," the company said in a statement.
A thoughtful reading of such reports easily brings one to conclude that there will always be wars and rumors of war, not because the Bible says it, but because it is highly profitable. It provides lucrative wealth, good jobs for the economy, and justification for its maintenance. The simple fact is we prefer to anchor our society on money-makers; arms manufacturing needs war to justify such manufacturing, even if it is blood money. It also needs the political support of those who utilize terror as a means of controlling those who would eliminate the wide distribution of arms.
The issue weaves its way right down to Main Street, USA. Early in 2008 a young Marine came home on leave. Having survived the war in Iraq, he was so wary of street crime in his home town that he carried only $8 to avoid becoming a robbery target. Despite his caution, Lance Cpl. Robert Crutchfield, 21, was shot point-blank in the neck during a robbery at a bus stop. Feeding and breathing tubes kept him alive 4 1/2 months, until he died of an infection on May 18, 2008--corollary damages from our passionate propagation of guns and violence.
We will have peace only when we work at changing the hearts of men. When the ancient Wiseman suggested madness is in their hearts while they live, I wonder: was he talking about the perpetrators or those of us who allow such anti-social behavior (Ecclesiastes 9:3) …?
From Warner’s World, Wayne
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Dr. H. C. Heffren, a distinguished author from Camrose, Alberta, Canada was a mutual friend to many on this blogsite. Before his death, he wrote a parable of young Doctor Get Well.
Dr. Get Well proudly graduated from one of the finest medical schools in the country. He achieved high honors in medicine, then took post-graduate work in treating allergies found frequently among church attendants. He found great happiness in his profession and hung out his shingle with joy. The marquee at the Get Well Clinic announced: CAREFUL DIAGNOSIS - HONEST PRESCRIPTIONS.
Dr. Get Well soon discovered some very strange maladies among his patients. His very first patient was a girl named Lotta Hearsay. Although she protected her ears with huge wads of cotton, she told the enquiring Dr. “I just don’t know what is wrong with me. I am bothered with a lot of noises in my head. I keep hearing strange things like reports that are either true or imaginary and I just repeat everything to the very best of my ability. Then when I meet the people concerned I feel stiff and it hurts to move too close to them.
She became so distressed she considered going to Doctor Killer Kure, but friends said “if he makes any mistakes he just buries them, and they thought Get Well could help me. I hope you can give me a prescription to cure me.”
The kindly doctor assured her “I know just what your trouble is.” He assured her it is quite common among people today, but suggested she had a bad case of ‘rumortism.’ The things you hear are rumors and you have a tendency to get a pain in the neck every time you meet the ones connected with the rumors. Some rumors are full of deadly poison and of course, this afflicts the carrier with painful rumortism.
He prescribed a bottle of absolutely pure True Facts and urged Lotta Hearsay to always test each rumor by comparing it with the contents of this bottle. If you are careful not to swallow anything but this prescription I am sure your rumortism will disappear.
Dr. Get Well was hardly knowledgeable about this information age with its multiple technologies developed via computers, cell phones, ad infinitum. He was even less acquainted with popular media pulp that feasts on gossip and energizes the very profitable rumor mills. He knew little about the political hacks--shock jocks that thrive on rumor, opinionation, and twisted half-truth’s. He did, however, understand the deadly disease,the painfulness and crippling effects of rumortism, and the value of Truth to integrity and character.
The one thing he did understand was that if people would stop feeding on media gossip, personal opinion, and the science of slanting half-truths, our culture would be a better place to live. It was Jesus that said Truth will make you free. Trace back as far as you need to and you will find that Jesus relied on the Time-Tested Truth’s of life that work for everybody.
There is but one solution for the rumortism that afflicts most of us today, and that is TRUTH. We need Truth in religion, Truth in politics, Truth in advertising--Truth in everyday living.
From Warner’s World,
Dr. Get Well proudly graduated from one of the finest medical schools in the country. He achieved high honors in medicine, then took post-graduate work in treating allergies found frequently among church attendants. He found great happiness in his profession and hung out his shingle with joy. The marquee at the Get Well Clinic announced: CAREFUL DIAGNOSIS - HONEST PRESCRIPTIONS.
Dr. Get Well soon discovered some very strange maladies among his patients. His very first patient was a girl named Lotta Hearsay. Although she protected her ears with huge wads of cotton, she told the enquiring Dr. “I just don’t know what is wrong with me. I am bothered with a lot of noises in my head. I keep hearing strange things like reports that are either true or imaginary and I just repeat everything to the very best of my ability. Then when I meet the people concerned I feel stiff and it hurts to move too close to them.
She became so distressed she considered going to Doctor Killer Kure, but friends said “if he makes any mistakes he just buries them, and they thought Get Well could help me. I hope you can give me a prescription to cure me.”
The kindly doctor assured her “I know just what your trouble is.” He assured her it is quite common among people today, but suggested she had a bad case of ‘rumortism.’ The things you hear are rumors and you have a tendency to get a pain in the neck every time you meet the ones connected with the rumors. Some rumors are full of deadly poison and of course, this afflicts the carrier with painful rumortism.
He prescribed a bottle of absolutely pure True Facts and urged Lotta Hearsay to always test each rumor by comparing it with the contents of this bottle. If you are careful not to swallow anything but this prescription I am sure your rumortism will disappear.
Dr. Get Well was hardly knowledgeable about this information age with its multiple technologies developed via computers, cell phones, ad infinitum. He was even less acquainted with popular media pulp that feasts on gossip and energizes the very profitable rumor mills. He knew little about the political hacks--shock jocks that thrive on rumor, opinionation, and twisted half-truth’s. He did, however, understand the deadly disease,the painfulness and crippling effects of rumortism, and the value of Truth to integrity and character.
The one thing he did understand was that if people would stop feeding on media gossip, personal opinion, and the science of slanting half-truths, our culture would be a better place to live. It was Jesus that said Truth will make you free. Trace back as far as you need to and you will find that Jesus relied on the Time-Tested Truth’s of life that work for everybody.
There is but one solution for the rumortism that afflicts most of us today, and that is TRUTH. We need Truth in religion, Truth in politics, Truth in advertising--Truth in everyday living.
From Warner’s World,
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Life Goes On

Following a busy weekend about 1991, I jumped into my car and made a solo drive to Minnesota--six hundred miles. I arrived mid-afternoon. Once there, I focused on my reason for leaving my wife at home working--meet Kody. I had driven across the country to visit with the grandson I had given up ever having. He had arrived two weeks earlier--my wife present. Now, it was my turn!
I surprised myself by adjusting quickly to the size of his tiny body. I loved the feel of his tiny fingers clenched around mine, as I compared his miniature hands and feet with my adult-sized hands. I savored the tender feelings he aroused in me as he pressed his way against my neck and under my chin. At bedtime, I finally sent dad and mom to bed, fully confident I could handle any emergency. Grandma had her turn earlier and now I joyfully tended my grandson; it was my turn!
When he became a little restless, as babies will do, I accepted it as a rare privilege. I was keenly aware I would not always have such opportunities. I had already waited fifteen years to graduate to “grandpa” and I wanted to pack sixty seconds into every minute, so I absorbed his presence. I draped his little form across my shoulder for the next three hours and we sat, and rocked, and stood, and walked. All the while, I caressed him lovingly, petting him, bouncing him ever so gently, and frequently nuzzling him.
Knowing that his parents had played music for him long before he was born, I talked to him and softly sang, “Jesus loves me, this I know. . .” I wanted Kody to know the sound of my voice and the warmth of my body. I wanted him to know me, and identify with me. I wanted him to feel comfortable with me, although I live a hard day’s drive in another state. Eventually, I hoped he would discover the Jesus whom I have served for more than half a century.
We acquainted ourselves thoroughly and our three days fairly raced by. Thursday morning - I stepped quietly into his room, bent down, kissed him for the very first time, and walked somberly but briskly to my car. Taking a couple of quick photos of the house, I started the car and turned it toward East River Road. In minutes I was quickly headed home to my waiting congregation.
I was returning home much different than when I left. I felt renewed and invigorated, rather than diminished. I left behind a living embodiment of my future, the newest male heir of three men, each of whom was the last male heir of his generation. I silently prayed for God to guide Kody’s steps into Kingdom purposes, while pushing on, anxious to be with grandma and my church family.
Later we rocked and [you] rode around Anderson, IN. attending North American Church Convention. There were countless trips to the animal zoo in Three Rivers--other tours around Minneapolis--little insignificant events like skipping rocks across the headwaters of the mighty Mississippi near Fridley--interstate trips.
Then, there were those funny times when you outsmarted Grandpa and made him think you really wanted to take a nap. That was the time you figured out how to get rid of Grandpa and get him off your case so you could get up that ladder and onto the top of the house where Dad was helping shingle Grandpa’s house.
There were visits to your school, lunching in the school cafeteria, and hearing the teachers brag on what good students you and your brother were. The years were passing by like the spaceship Columbia. Suddenly, you were no longer simply a good student, you were King of the Court at Fridley High’s Spring event.
That was yesterday. This week, you put that all behind you, mingling your past into the flowing currents of adult life. Proudly, you walked across the stage at Fridley High School, took your diploma in hand, moved your tassel to the other side, and walked away--a graduate. You departed that stage an adult, headed for secondary education, and a lifetime of adulthood.
I am the proud grandfather of a fine young man--class 2009. As you increase, and I decrease, remember the words of Saint Paul, who announced, “I do not set aside the grace of God” (Galatians 2:21). Wherever life takes you, be it a World Trade Center catastrophe or ordinary issues of life and death, always allow your life to be a conduit for piping God’s grace to those who will accept its renewing power.
Like Paul, be renewed “so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God” (2 Corinthians 4:15). Stay connected to God’s great refinery of loving grace and be a pipeline for his grace wherever you go. Quietly, consistently, flow in high tide and low, always experiencing His stabilizing presence--renewed daily while also empowering others to live victoriously.
Pictured above are the Warner brothers, the King's Court, and the King and Queen. From Warner’s World, this is Grandpa Wayne
Madness Is In Their Hearts
From William Booth and Juan Forero comes this Washington Post story, Saturday, June 6,2009:
MEXICO CITY -- When anti-narcotics agents first heard that drug cartels were building an armada of submarines to transport cocaine, they thought it was a joke. Now U.S. law enforcement officials say that more than a third of the cocaine smuggled into the United States from Colombia travels in submersibles.
An experimental oddity just two years ago, these strange semi-submarines are the cutting edge of drug trafficking today. They ferry hundreds of tons of cocaine for powerful Mexican cartels that are taking over the Pacific Ocean route for most northbound shipments, according to the Colombian navy.
The sub-builders are even trying to develop a remote-controlled model, officials say.
"That means no crew. That means just cocaine, or whatever, inside the boat," said Michael Braun, a former chief of operations at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
The subs are powered by ordinary diesel engines and built of simple fiberglass in clandestine shipyards in the Colombian jungle. U.S. officials expect 70 or more to be launched this year with a potential cargo capacity of 380 tons of cocaine, worth billions of dollars in the United States.
"This is definitely the next generation of smuggling conveyance," said Joseph Ruddy, an assistant U.S. attorney in Tampa who prosecutes narco-mariners.
The submersibles are equipped with technologies that make them difficult to intercept, even though U.S. forces use state-of-the-art submarine warfare strategies against them.
Authorities say most slip through their net. "You try finding a floating log in the middle of the Pacific," one DEA agent said. U.S. officials and their Colombian counterparts have detected evidence of more than 115 submersible voyages since 2006. They have apprehended the crews of more than 22 submersibles at sea since 2007. Six crews have been arrested this year. The Colombian navy has intercepted or discovered 33 subs . . . U.S. officials fear that the rogue vessels could be used by terrorists intent on reaching the United States with deadly cargos.
Madness is in their hearts, wrote the ancient wiseman (Ecclesiasties 9:1). Nothing much has changed in 2009. From Warner’s world,
MEXICO CITY -- When anti-narcotics agents first heard that drug cartels were building an armada of submarines to transport cocaine, they thought it was a joke. Now U.S. law enforcement officials say that more than a third of the cocaine smuggled into the United States from Colombia travels in submersibles.
An experimental oddity just two years ago, these strange semi-submarines are the cutting edge of drug trafficking today. They ferry hundreds of tons of cocaine for powerful Mexican cartels that are taking over the Pacific Ocean route for most northbound shipments, according to the Colombian navy.
The sub-builders are even trying to develop a remote-controlled model, officials say.
"That means no crew. That means just cocaine, or whatever, inside the boat," said Michael Braun, a former chief of operations at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
The subs are powered by ordinary diesel engines and built of simple fiberglass in clandestine shipyards in the Colombian jungle. U.S. officials expect 70 or more to be launched this year with a potential cargo capacity of 380 tons of cocaine, worth billions of dollars in the United States.
"This is definitely the next generation of smuggling conveyance," said Joseph Ruddy, an assistant U.S. attorney in Tampa who prosecutes narco-mariners.
The submersibles are equipped with technologies that make them difficult to intercept, even though U.S. forces use state-of-the-art submarine warfare strategies against them.
Authorities say most slip through their net. "You try finding a floating log in the middle of the Pacific," one DEA agent said. U.S. officials and their Colombian counterparts have detected evidence of more than 115 submersible voyages since 2006. They have apprehended the crews of more than 22 submersibles at sea since 2007. Six crews have been arrested this year. The Colombian navy has intercepted or discovered 33 subs . . . U.S. officials fear that the rogue vessels could be used by terrorists intent on reaching the United States with deadly cargos.
Madness is in their hearts, wrote the ancient wiseman (Ecclesiasties 9:1). Nothing much has changed in 2009. From Warner’s world,
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Decade For Peace and Non-violence for Children
Twenty-three Nobel Peace Laureates, including Mother Teresa, appealed to the United Nations to designate the years 2001-220210 as “A Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World.” The resolution excerpted below was passed with no discussion.
WHEREAS the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted the appeal which has the potential of changing the direction of the world, and calls for the principles of nonviolence to be taught in the educational institutions of all member nations, and at all levels of society; and
WHEREAS people on every continent, at the close of the most violent century in history, are perplexed and frustrated by the traditional policies of retaliation and violence, and are expressing an international willingness to find a better way for local and global conflict resolution; and
WHEREAS…because of our deep concern that children and all people hear the Good news of Jesus and accept Him and His teachings; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED: that the General Assembly encourage Church of God people to cooperate with the worldwide efforts to make the years 2001-2010 a decade for building a culture of peace and non violence.
Since 1999, no resolutions on war and/or peace have been brought to the General Assembly, and no statements have been issued.
I respond as only one observer, yours truly; I offer this observation: nice words from a handful of well-meaning persons, written on a worthless piece of paper, for a group of people who by their passiveness and lack of initiative show they could care less.
We will soon conclude this decade for creating a more peaceful and non-violent culture for children, and what have we done--precious little. A few out there worked feverishly, but most went about their own business doing whatever they did.
As I approach 2010 in Warner’s World, I have to wonder just how much the Church of God really cares,
Twenty-three Nobel Peace Laureates, including Mother Teresa, appealed to the United Nations to designate the years 2001-220210 as “A Decade for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World.” The resolution excerpted below was passed with no discussion.
WHEREAS the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted the appeal which has the potential of changing the direction of the world, and calls for the principles of nonviolence to be taught in the educational institutions of all member nations, and at all levels of society; and
WHEREAS people on every continent, at the close of the most violent century in history, are perplexed and frustrated by the traditional policies of retaliation and violence, and are expressing an international willingness to find a better way for local and global conflict resolution; and
WHEREAS…because of our deep concern that children and all people hear the Good news of Jesus and accept Him and His teachings; now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED: that the General Assembly encourage Church of God people to cooperate with the worldwide efforts to make the years 2001-2010 a decade for building a culture of peace and non violence.
Since 1999, no resolutions on war and/or peace have been brought to the General Assembly, and no statements have been issued.
I respond as only one observer, yours truly; I offer this observation: nice words from a handful of well-meaning persons, written on a worthless piece of paper, for a group of people who by their passiveness and lack of initiative show they could care less.
We will soon conclude this decade for creating a more peaceful and non-violent culture for children, and what have we done--precious little. A few out there worked feverishly, but most went about their own business doing whatever they did.
As I approach 2010 in Warner’s World, I have to wonder just how much the Church of God really cares,
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