Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Fall fresh today upon our President and congressional leaders
And all who work in global governance.

Mighty as you are, stoop to our human frailties, and
Transform our less than good intentions by your Mighty Love, and
Conform our good intentions into your Mighty works, and
Help us to love your world as we ought to love you.

Forgive our foolish ways
Of pride, patriotism, politics, and selfish partisanship;
Thinking that we can reform our problems by our own devices.
Reclothe us in our rightful minds
Of faith, hope, and charity.

And, in your service,
May we rediscover that purity of life
Needed for facing today’s tasks effectively,
Giving equal opportunity for every person.
Give us that deeper reverence
That will enable us to praise you as we ought,
With integrity and character.
Bless all our global leaders this day:
Fill them with the necessary courage and
The renewed insight, for making wise decisions for common good.
Take the strain and stress from those
Whose jaded spirits have created disordered lives;
Re-order their lives in ways that confess beauty of Your Peace.
Give them the faith, the energy, and the love,
That will carry them inward and onward,
Outward and upward, in fulfillment of their leadership
To their nations and to Your world.
Save us all from weak resignation to the evils we deplore, and
Strengthen our commitment to the common good.
We pray this prayer
In the matchless name of THAT ONE
Who taught us we have more need to give than to receive,
Amen, and Amen.

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