Wednesday, March 31, 2021


An often told story reports that five young ministererial students spent a Sunday in London prior to their ordination. They were most anxious to hear some well-known preacher in a church other than their own. Consequently, found their way to the Spurgeon Tabernacle one very warm Sunday.

While the five young men waited for the Tabernacle doors to open, a stranger approached them and inquired: "Gentlemen, would you like to see the heating apparatus of the church?" They were not especially impressed with the man's question, it being a boiling hot mid-summer July weekend, but they responded agreeable.

The stranger now led them down a series of steps and opened a closed door. The five visiting clergymen-to-be looked into the room and saw that it was crowded with people. Seeing the puzzled look on the face of the yong men who failed to understand wht they were seeing, their guide quietly whispered: "There, Sirs, is our heating apparatus"  and the five young men observed some seven-hundred earnest souls bowed in prayer, seeking God's blessing on the service that was soon to begin in the Tabernacle above them.

It now became apparent to all that the unknown tour guide was none other than Mr. Spurgeon himself. The question that we must decide for ourselves is this: Why are we surprised that the sermons of Charles Spurgeon are still being widely circulated today?

This is, pondering ... Does it pay to pray?

1 comment:

Candice White Warner said...

Wow, what a catchy title. Yes it does. ������
Many Christians don't take prayer seriously in their life.
Praying is not just part of our life it must be our life.

I love you ❤️❤️❤️