Friday, December 4, 2020


 H R McMaster is a Senior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institute for Peace Studies. He graduated from West Point and served thirty-four years as a career Military Officer. He retired as a four-star General with several important tours of duty as the Commanding Officer of important Battleground Commands. He holds a PhD in History from UNC and taught history at West Point. A brilliant student, McMaster studies the history of War like an Oncologist pursuing  the cure for Cancer, always in defense of his country and in the cause of lasting peace.

After thirteen months as NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER to President Donald Trump, McMaster wrote BATTLEGROUNDS and concludes his game-changing reassessment of America's place in the world with this insightful paragraph:  "As historian Zachary Shore observed, 'the greatest source of national strength is an educated populace.'  It is my hope that this book will make a small contribution to the strength of our nation and other nations of the free world. Writing it was a continuation of my own education. I will judge it to have been worthwhile if it inspires vibrant, thoughtful, and respectful discussion of how we can best defend the free world and preserve a future of peace and opportunity for generations to come.'"

McMaster writes from an a-political position; he is neither liberal nor conservative, but liberal and conservative. He writes with three objectives in mind: (1) defend and protect constitutional law as the Rule of Law; (2) defend and protect the human rights and personal civility of our Democratic Process; (3) Provide the President with multiple options with which to successfully and safely meet diplomatic or military situations from a geo-political context that considers both the geography and the politic within the context.

This reader began with a strong personal bias for peace and pacifism that is potentially anti-military (non-violence). McMaster skillfully describes six nations, or geographic regions that America faces as potential BATTLEFIELDS. I learned much from reading McMaster and seeing our diplomatic and military resources in a new and more positive historical, geo-political perspective that remains bigger than mere politics and patriotism--issues of humanity--peace, pollution, global warming et al.

McMaster offers me a rationale - a rational view that holds my peace principles, but feels patriotic pride in an America that stands for liberty and justice for all while protectings the democratic process of all humanity, despite creed, color, or culture - and remains non-violent, yet willing to defend to the death if and when necessary.

I am walkingwithwarner,blogspot,com recommending that you real BATTLEGROUNDS for yourself, as written by General H R McMaster, a Harper-Collins publication, NY, 2020.

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