Monday, August 10, 2020


 AMERICA IS facing the most important national election since 1860, without doubt.

Above all else, we need to remember that we are one nation indivisible, under God. We love God supremely. That calls us to love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves. That makes us a community--one nation under God; and that must be the filter of our political process and how we relate to one another and respect each other as individuals. When all is said and done; that is what politics is all about.

That allows us to be different in color, culture, and even creeds, but we remain a single community, indivisible, united, and cooperating together in the great human experiment of liberty and justice for all = what we call freedom; As such, we are the great American experiment, the greatest civilization since Aristotle and the Greeks were conquered by the Roman Empire.

I grew into my youthful years watching the impossible happen as people fawned over Adolph Hitler until he convinced people he was incorruptible, invincible and in some cases almost immortal. In any event, he was always right and if you did not believe him, just ask him. He could set you right.

As he convinced people more and more of his superiority, he did the impossible and established himself as the absolute authority in Germany. Soon it was Europe. Before long, the whole world was within his grasp. Then America drew the line of its constitutional freedom and shed its blood resisting the military might of The German Reich. I grew up proud to be an American and I am still proud enough that I will exercise my right as a responsible American citizen to exercise my vote.

As I watch the political right, and others, fawn over our current president and listen to my friends rationalize extending to him unlimited but unconstitutional powers, I see the same process repeating itself and I predict, almost without fear of question, that if we do not take hold of our voting booth and use our citizen's right to vote out our sitting president; we will have lost our democracy before many more decades pass by, It will not happen during my lifetime so I need not worry, but it will certainly happen in the lifetime of my grandsons and my two great grandbabies.

No man is above the Constitution (Law of the land). No man can govern America without Congressional assistance. No man can run a one-man show by the seat of his pants. Donald Trump's own administration finds itself continually scratching their collective heads and wondering how to handle this lone operator and keep the public support. Over and Over, I have heard The Donald tell us how right he is, above and beyond anyone else.

The real truth is that we all need each other. My answer is not found in a political party or in a political superman to heroically rescue us. And I explicitly reject any and all violence. My plea is that we once more seek the face of Almighty God as did Honest Abe Lincoln and confess our flawed humanity and our undisputed need to love and respect one another regardless of our color, creed, or culture.

We MUST respect one another--red and yellow, black and white, and all shades in between--to once more become one nation, indivisible, under God. Only then can God bless America. Only then will we again become the land of the brave and of the free. May God be able to bless America in this election and in the generations to follow. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about it now? Can you really say that the other side offers anything better? I would say that what they hold out is infinately worse, because it is hope in a state being god, and they have clearly set their sites against Christianity.