Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Baptism of Jesus

Theme - Jesus Baptism
Text – This is my Son, whom I love, with him I am well pleased (Mt  3:17)

Introduction – Coarse countrified corrective: The Baptizer flashed his
his proclamation across rural Judea like a meteor (Mt. 1:1).
“The axe is already at the root of the tree” he announced.  Those
accustomed to drawing upon the merits of their national icon
found this offensive and unpatriotic.

“Every tree not producing good fruit,” John warned, “will
be cut down and thrown into the fire” (Mt. 2:10 NIV).

While baptizing all who confessed their sins, he delared
The imminent arrival of another kingdom, ruled by a greater person
with a more powerful message.

Among those seeking baptism came a young Galilean and
what followed calls us to consider the lordship of Jesus. John
hesitated, recognizing superiority. “Permit it to be.” Jesus urged.

“It is fitting … to fulfill all righteousness” (Matthew
3:1 NKJV). Jesus’ ordination announced his Sonship, declared
new citizenship and revealed a new life in the Spirit.

Jesus’ sonship
The baptismal announcement completed his ordination and
Jesus went preaching (kerussein, Matthew 3:17) what John
Heralded (kerysso, from keryz, a herald, kerussein, Mt 3:1).
New citizenship called for higher loyalty and total allegiance.

Israel accepted the role of chosen people, but linked
Salvation with their national liberation. Tasting freedom under
the Maccabees, they pursued it until 63 A.D. when destroyed by
Titus. John’s word of God’s imminent intervention came after four
centuries without a prophet and this thrilled the faithful but threatened
the faithless.

Matthew viewed Jesus as the promise fulfilled in the empowering presence
of Jesus (Mt 2:5, 1:23, 1:21). I was a young Airman when I met my wife.
We lived on a shoestring in tiny apartments. We ate lots of BLT sandwiches
but we had presence. Like Matthew, presence fulfilled promise.

Generations have since met Jesus and experienced the fulfillment
of Immanuel (God with us). Skeptics label him a fool, a fraud, and some
call him a phantasy, but none dare call him evil. Is it not more rational
to accept his Sonship than to believe he perpetrated history’s most
heinous hoax, thereby deluding us to accept faith, hope, and love?”

God’s Kingdom
Jesus’ sonship pointed higher than Israel. It brought
Heavenly citizenship into the Gentile world, creating a new
community, built on faith in God, and revealing greater
understanding of God’s mission to humanity (Hebrews 8:7-13,
9:15, 28-29).

God’s kingdom is for people of faith, not ethnic purists.
“Whoever does the will of my Father” finds an open door  declared
Jesus (Mt. 12:50). Our New Testament is our New Covenant,
Our peace, the story of the One who “made the two (Jew and
Gentile) one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of
hostility … to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus
making peace … to reconcile  both … through the cross” (Ephesians
2:14-16 NIV).

“The law and the prophets were until John,” Jesus
confirmed, “since that time the kingdom of God is preached and
every man presseth into it: (Luke 16:16 KJV). No mere historic
parenthesis, the church of the redeemed became an expression of
The Spirit’s empowerment, offering God’s grace to everyone
Accepting it.

There is Life in the Spirit
Jesus’ baptism was fitting (NKJV), proper (NIV) “to fulfill
all righteousness.” The time was right (Hebrews 1:1-3). Israelite
nationalism was axed, but repentance opened the door into the
kingdom. Jesus’ baptism clearly evidenced the Trinity, making
us Trinitarians when we accept his Lordship and live under his

The Holy Spirit administers God’s Grace Department. He applies
and distributes what comes from joint-headquarters. He revives our
recall of Jesus, illuminates His Word, quickens our consciences,
renews our minds, and confirms our acceptance (cf. Mt. 3:11;
John 16:8; Ephesians 1:13-14).

Our decadent society compromises men and ministries,
churches and individuals and leaves its stench behind. Charles
Swindoll and his family returned from their vacation to a stinking house.
They found it saturated with the odor of maggot-filled possum
in their attic. They searched feverishly until they found a product
called “Anti-Icky-Pooh,” guaranteed to rid the odors of the dead
and decaying flesh.

A debilitating atmosphere of worldliness sickens today’s church that
Is badly in need of rediscovering the Lordship of Jesus. Truth provides the
fulcrum on which the Holy Spirit’s lever rests. Faith in Jesus’ sonship
is the conveyor carrying salvation.  The Holy Spirit empowers and
brings wholeness and health, holiness and  healing.

He is Lord, He is Lord
He is risen from the dead and He is Lord!
Ev’ry knee shall bow, ev’ry tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord (1)
1 Worship the Lord, Hymnal of the Church of God, Anderson:
Warner Press. Inc., 1989), p. 223.

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