Saturday, January 26, 2019

Faith's Anchor Holds !

A few months before my father died; I found this affirmation of faith by E. Stanley Jones. I greatly admired Jones after first hearing him preach at our Anderson International Youth Convention in 1944 when barely sixteen. It is a powerful statement of personal faith. I have turned to it many times since finding it and sharing with my father, now deceased nearly three decades. 

It is a statement I have tried to personally model as my own. It is a word I hope might one day be said of me by all who come my way after I have exited this stage called life.

At eighty-seven, Jones wrote during that final decline with his palsied pen:

“When you find Christ and his kingdom, you find yourself. I only testify: bound to him and his kingdom I walk the earth free; low at his feet I stand straight before everything and everybody. I have served him these seventy years, but I have never made a sacrifice for him. Sacrifice? The sacrifice would be to tear from my heart this wonderful, increasingly wonderful, thing he brought me when I entered his kingdom. When my left hand begins to shake, as it has begun to shake at eighty-seven, pre-cursor of the final shaking to the dust of my mortal body, I smile and say; ‘But I belong to an unshaken kingdom, and to an unchanging person, so shake on, you will shake me into immortality. And when the final shaking comes, falsely called death, but which I know to be only an anesthetic which God gives when he changes bodies, I know this final shaking will only do what it did to Paul in prison: loosed his fetters and bade him go to an awaiting home where love and joy abound (italics mine).

From Warner’s World, this is - bidding YOU … God’s peace.

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