Thursday, November 16, 2017

Hang On to Your Dreams

Dare to dream. Now some of you will throw away your dreams, simply because they are too big, too costly, or they are impossible to achieve. Some of you will stop short and simply confess that you simply see no way to possibly fulfill your dream.
Missing your goal is not a sin; but aiming too low could be the sin of your life. To get priorities straight, you need to set the right goals and never take your eyes off that goal. History suggests it was a single person that kept Aaron Burr from becoming president of the United States. One single vote kept Andrew Jackson from being impeached. General Motors, Ford, Dupont, and AT&T, all began their gigantic operations as tiny dreams in the mind of but one single person.
Problems are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal. The day David took his father’s provisions to his older brothers provided him his first trip to a live battlefield. Once there, David saw Goliath make fun of King Saul and the Army of Israel. He saw everyone cowering in fear of this gigantic enemy.
Although David was but a shepherd lad, he knew loneliness, bad weather, and difficult sheep. He had faced savage attacks from wild animals. Singlehandedly; he had killed a lion and a bear with little more than a slingshot and his bare hands. But having grown up in the faith of his family and friends; he had learned to trust God, and beyond a doubt he knew God had helped him in his most desperate time of need.
As a result, David didn’t know any better than to naively ask what would happen if someone killed this giant that mocks our people and our God? Long before Bruce Barton ever said it, David had already discovered that “Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside him was superior to the circumstances around him.
King Saul, the Army, David’s brothers; all saw themselves as grasshoppers compared to Goliath. Cringing with fear, they waited for someone to come along and bail them out of a difficult circumstance. In the process, they traded their dreams for easier circumstances, while losing the opportunity to win the greatest victory of their lives.
The lesson for us remains obvious: know that the problems you see are God’s opportunity for you to achieve what otherwise might seem utterly impossible.

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and because God is the greatest possibility thinker in the universe, I challenge you to work with him and take a step beyond merely dreaming and see what the two of you can achieve...

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