Saturday, April 3, 2021


Easter is God’s Wellspring of Grace spanning that great gulf that separates life and eternity. Like a loving father, God stands at the door of His House and watches for his children to wander home. He yearns to wrap his loving arms of acceptance around us, each and all, and fortify us with his faith and amazing grace. He invites us to join His Family, assured we will find acceptance through the resurrection power of Jesus on the cross.

People spend fortunes having their fears, failures, and frustrations, analyzed. We look for explanations for perceived problems and we receive well-documented and correctly labeled diagnoses. Yet, many remain without any hint of recovery, while others endure an unending paralysis of analysis.

God’s Kingdom is a present reality lived under the personal sovereignty of an ever-present Jesus. Saying “yes” to God activates God’s power and delivers new life--the same life-transforming dynamic that delivered Jesus from death on the cross to resurrected life.

To transform human life was the great single purpose that brought Jesus to earth. That passion carried him through the hell of death that consumed him on a Roman cross and called him from the grave on Easter Sunday.

Today He invites each of us to drink from his wellspring of grace. However, for me to transfer this message into my computer, I need the power of electricity so that when I enter my office and flip on the switch, the electricity does what it alone can do: light my room and energize my computer.

When I say “yes” to God, I connect to that resurrection power that transforms my life and energizes me like the lighted bulb in the lamp, like my energized computer, like the wellspring of grace that  that my life dispenses into the lives of others.

From Warner’s World,

By means of prayer and discipline, I am able to live not more than a prayer away from God’s Power. My ”yes” to Him means I can live so that no failure need ever be final, and I can live at all times within active access of a well of Living Water that never runs dry!

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1 comment:

Candice White Warner said...

Thanks Wayne for sharing your thoughts.

I love you so much ❤️