Sunday, October 25, 2020

WHERE LAW ENDS (tyranny begins)

"The final question our investigation pursued was whether the president had obstructed justice before or after our office was up and running. The facts here were no less appalling although we had not indicted the president or, frustratingly, even taken the final leap of putting a label on what the facts added up to (italics added).

Instead, our report set out numerous episodes that provided clear evidence against the president, However,we were forbidden from indicting him for these crimes (italics added), as we were employees of the Department of Justice and bound to follow an internal Department policy that no president could be indicted while in office--whether we agreed with that rule or not.

Given this idiosyncratic circumstance, Mueller had decided it would be unfair to say that we found the president had committed a crime, as Trump would not be able to challenge our conclusion in court, at least until he left office. Thus our report laid out the proof of his criminal conduct in detail (italics added), but did not give our legal assessment of it--we never said outright that he'd committed a crime. Instead, we had left it to Congress to make its own assessment of our evidence, or to another prosecutor in the future, who would be free to indict the president once he'd left office..."

(from the author's introduction to Where Law Ends; Inside the Mueller Investigation by Andrew Weissmann, Random House, NY, 2020)

This is walkingwithwarner, at Warner's World ...

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