Tuesday, April 14, 2020


"Men ought to act on the faith that human life is capable of high attainment and ought to seek to prove by demonstrating the quality of life of which man is capable, that  this faith is not a vain one," so wrote Ethicist D S Warner Monroe in 1947 (emphasis mine).

Monroe called this a demonstration of realization, and suggested there are several forms we might take to realize or achieve this.

1. In the first place, we can lay the foundation for the development of the more abundant life and the realization of its value by making our purposes conform to the demands neessary to a moral order and by building a society in which men can move freely and find the means of accomplishing worth-whiloe purposes (italics mine).

2. Secondly, we can ourselves realize, and cause others to realize, the value of life by developing our own capacities in the fullest possible measure by choosing worth-while purposes ourselves. In this manner we perform our duty to ourselves and cause others to realize the value of life through the power of example (italics mine)

3. Thirdly, we can cause men to realize the value of life by helping them to acomplish their own worth-while purposes. This is the most commonly understood way of showing Christian love... applies as well to all kinds of altruistic activities...(italics mine).

4. Fourthly, we realize, and cause others to realize, the value of life by helping them to find worthy purposes in life and by bringing them to a knowledge of right and devotion to it. This is the object of Christian teaching and evangelism (italics mine).
p. 79-80, An Inroduction to Chistian Ethics, Monroe.

This is walkingwithwarnermblogspot.com still learning how to love God and love my neighbor as I love myself. Be blessed all . . .

1 comment:

Candice White Warner said...

Yes, and you do help me in many ways. You help me walk to my spiritual journey for almost two years. You taught many things about life and you also learned many things from me. I learned to value life even at my worst. Thanks for sharing with me your life, your time, your days and your values. God bless you always Wayne.

I love you so much ❤️❤️❤️