The river flowing gently by,
A site of special-interest to followers of the Church of God [Anderson, Indiana Convention],--EVERYONE welcome--to chat about healing and uniting our diverse global family. God be with you and yours as we share His Healing.
"I grew up with many of these fears imprinted on me," writes Barack Obama.
"In Hawaii, I knew families who'd lost loved ones at Pearl Harbor. My grandfather, his brother, and my grandmother's brother had all fought in World War II. I was raised believing that nuclear war was a very real possibility. In grade school, I watched coverage of Olympic athletes being slaughtered by masked men in Munich; in college I listened to Ted Koppel marking the number of days Americans were being held hostage in Iran. Too young to have known the anguish of Vietnam firsthand, I had witnessed only the honor and restraint of our service members during the Gulf War, and like most Americans I viewed our military operations in Afghanistan after 9/11 as both necessary and just.
But another set of stories had also been etched into me--different though not contradictory--about what America meant to those living in the world beyond it, the symbolic power of a country built upon the ideals of freedom. I remember being seven or eight years old and sitting on the cool floor tiles of our house on the outskirts of Jakarta, proudly showing my friends a picture book of Honolulu with its high-rises and city lights and wide, paved roads. I would never forget the wonder in their faces as I answered their questions about life in America, explaining how everybody got to go to school with plenty of books, and there were no beggars because most everyone had a job and enough to eat. later, as a young man, I witnessed my mother's impact as a contractor with organizations like USAID, helping women in remote Asian villages get access to credit, and the lasting gratitude those women felt that Americans an ocean away actually cared about their plight. When I first visited Kenya, I sat with newfound relatives who told me how much they admired American democracy and rule of law--a contrast, they said, to the tribalism and corruption that plague their country,
Such moments taught me to see my country through the eyes of others. I was reminded how lucky I was to be an American, to take none of these blessings for granted. I saw first hand the power of our example exerted on the hearts and minds of people around the world. But with that came a corollary lesson: an awareness of what we risked when our actions failed to live up to our image and our ideals, the anger and resentment this could breed, the damage that was done. When I heard Indonesians talk about the hundreds of thousands slaughtered in a coup--widely believed to have CIA backing--that had brought a military dictatorship to power in 1967, or listened to Latin American environmental activists detailing how U.S, companies were befouling their countryside, or commiserating with Indian American or Pakistani American friends as they chronicled the countless times that they'd been pulled aside for 'random' searches at airports since 9/11. I felt America's defenses weakening, saw chinks in the armor that I was sure over time made our country less safe,
That dual vision, as much as my skin color, distinguished me from previous presidents. For my supporters, it was a defining foreign policy strength ... For my detractors, it was evidence of weakness..." (409/410 A PROMISED LAND, Barack Obama
After thirteen months as NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER to President Donald Trump, McMaster wrote BATTLEGROUNDS and concludes his game-changing reassessment of America's place in the world with this insightful paragraph: "As historian Zachary Shore observed, 'the greatest source of national strength is an educated populace.' It is my hope that this book will make a small contribution to the strength of our nation and other nations of the free world. Writing it was a continuation of my own education. I will judge it to have been worthwhile if it inspires vibrant, thoughtful, and respectful discussion of how we can best defend the free world and preserve a future of peace and opportunity for generations to come.'"
McMaster writes from an a-political position; he is neither liberal nor conservative, but liberal and conservative. He writes with three objectives in mind: (1) defend and protect constitutional law as the Rule of Law; (2) defend and protect the human rights and personal civility of our Democratic Process; (3) Provide the President with multiple options with which to successfully and safely meet diplomatic or military situations from a geo-political context that considers both the geography and the politic within the context.
This reader began with a strong personal bias for peace and pacifism that is potentially anti-military (non-violence). McMaster skillfully describes six nations, or geographic regions that America faces as potential BATTLEFIELDS. I learned much from reading McMaster and seeing our diplomatic and military resources in a new and more positive historical, geo-political perspective that remains bigger than mere politics and patriotism--issues of humanity--peace, pollution, global warming et al.
McMaster offers me a rationale - a rational view that holds my peace principles, but feels patriotic pride in an America that stands for liberty and justice for all while protectings the democratic process of all humanity, despite creed, color, or culture - and remains non-violent, yet willing to defend to the death if and when necessary.
I am walkingwithwarner,blogspot,com recommending that you real BATTLEGROUNDS for yourself, as written by General H R McMaster, a Harper-Collins publication, NY, 2020.
"The final question our investigation pursued was whether the president had obstructed justice before or after our office was up and running. The facts here were no less appalling although we had not indicted the president or, frustratingly, even taken the final leap of putting a label on what the facts added up to (italics added).
Instead, our report set out numerous episodes that provided clear evidence against the president, However,we were forbidden from indicting him for these crimes (italics added), as we were employees of the Department of Justice and bound to follow an internal Department policy that no president could be indicted while in office--whether we agreed with that rule or not.
Given this idiosyncratic circumstance, Mueller had decided it would be unfair to say that we found the president had committed a crime, as Trump would not be able to challenge our conclusion in court, at least until he left office. Thus our report laid out the proof of his criminal conduct in detail (italics added), but did not give our legal assessment of it--we never said outright that he'd committed a crime. Instead, we had left it to Congress to make its own assessment of our evidence, or to another prosecutor in the future, who would be free to indict the president once he'd left office..."(from the author's introduction to Where Law Ends; Inside the Mueller Investigation by Andrew Weissmann, Random House, NY, 2020)
This is walkingwithwarner,blogspot.com at Warner's World ...
Michael Sandel gives is the following information in a chapter entitled RECOGNIZING WORK (published 2020). People without a college degree could find good paying jobs from World War Two into the 1970s. They could support a family comfortably and live a good middle-class life."Over the past five decades, the earnings differed between college and high school graduates--what economists call the 'college premium'--has doubled. In 1979, college graduates made about 40 percent more than high school graduates; by the 2000s they made 80 percent more.'"
From 1979 to 2016, the number of manufacturing jobs in the United 'States fell from 19.5 million to 12 million, but productivity increased and workers reaped a smaller share of what they produced. Simultaneously, executives and shareholders captured a larger share. In the late 1970s, CEOs of major American companies made 30 times more than the average worker and by 2014, they made 300 times more.
Per capita income increased 85 percent since 1979, yet white men without a college degree make less now than they did then. What this has been saying louder and louder is that the work of the working man is less valued by the culture than that of the man who gets an education and works with his brains. Thus, the idea has begun to say over the past several decades that the market legitimates lavish rewards winners based on the merit of their deserving to be where they are. It also says to the losers that they are responsible for where they are and deserve what they get. We now have a meritocracy based on personal responsibility and we get what we deserve and what this really means is that the winners take all and deserve their reward. Onm the other hand, it also means the losers deserve to be losers and they don't count.
What tis all really means is that we no longer have any value for the common good and we are victims of our own sorting system in which the winners take more and more and the losers receive less and less--we have reverted back to the law of the jungle that is SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST and the eventual destruction of social structure and society.
Darren Walker, President of Ford Corporation, calls Sandel's writing a seminal work. The Tyranny of Merit detly exposes the flaws and fallacies of meritoratic philosophy and suggests Sandel makes a compelling case for uprooting inequality and building a fairer society shaped by true principles of justice, which I would suggest are found only in the Biblical faith of Christianity.
Preet Bharara, former attorney for the southern district of New York, calls it a must read and describes it as a revelatory assessment of pervasiveness unfairness in our society, driven in part by a naive and myopic reliance on the notion of merit. Over and over, we are confronted with what's become of the common good?
If you be believe in liberty and justice for all, you will want to read Michael J, Sandel, The Tyranny of Merit, published by Farar, Straus and Giroux, NY, 2020. This is walkingwithwarner,blogspot.com
From Warner’s World, this is
Conscience is thus the inner man's recognition of what is essential
for the preservation and development of that for which constitutes
his real life. (76/Rufus Jones/RUFUS JONES SPEAKS TO OUR
TIME, Ed by H E Fosdick/McMillan/NY)
It has
been more than two millennia since Jesus walked Palestinian paths and no one
has yet improved on life as Jesus lived it. He practiced a life of prayer that that
modeled positive living. He maximized life by
exercising positive faith while also exposing the false faces of bad religion.
Jesus pronounced woe on the Pharisees for failing to discern the difference between their slick-talk and doing a photo-op walking (Mt. 23:3-7, 13). The Pharisees were experts in public promotion of faith, but they failed to discern, recognize, and reveal God (14-22, 23). When we compare their walk with their talk, they merit nothing more than a failing grade (25-33).
Meanwhile, Jesus invited his disciples to personalize their prayer lives. By modeling an effective prayer life, Jesus helped his disciples integrate internally what they experienced following him daily and this brought personal transformation. Observing Him, they learned to tap into His power source and experience personal transformation.
Empowerment comes through Spiritual Formation. Prayer led Dietrich Bonhoeffer to the empowerment he needed for coping with Adolph Hitler’s atheism. Prayer became his “supreme instance of the hidden character of the Christian life.”
Real prayer
provides “the antithesis of self-display.” Bonhoeffer found that praying men
“ceased to know themselves and know only God whom they call upon.” Rather than taking
immediate aim at having a direct effect on the world, Bonhoeffer concluded
prayer should be “addressed to God alone, and is therefore the perfect example
of undemonstrative action.”1
While some
pray only in late-night emergencies and on weekends--when rates are cheapest, Bonhoeffer
experienced prayer as a way out of the basement of hypocrisy and dishonesty, and
a means of climbing up the ladder to a higher level of character.
Renewal comes through personal Restructuring. Jesus challenged his disciples to power-up their lives. He invited them to pray as they avoided the example of the Pharisees. Prayer is much more than a Sunday suit we put on to wear for public display, but removing it when in private. A. H. McNeile called prayer a “developing life. . .an expanding. . .a deepening. . .a heightening” and “intensifying of the whole being” McNeile found in prayer an encounter with God that offered a private place for personal restructuring.
For the Pharisee, prayer provided a beautiful appearance for impressing observers, but it remained little more than a memorial to the dead within (Mt. 23:27). Genuine prayer peels the outer layers of one’s appearance and discards all self-justification. It meets the God who transforms our attitudes and converts our unholy habits into positive practices of justice, mercy and grace.
A Youth
Pastor challenged his group to pray for missions--fifteen minutes daily. His
warnings of unseen costs prompted them to wonder “What could it cost to pray?” Pointing
to William Carey and David Brainerd, this committed leader noted that Carey
prayed for the conversion of the world and it cost him a lifetime of service.
It cost his supporters years of support--finance and prayer. Brainerd prayed
for the Indians and it cost him two years of sacrifice, and his life.
Authenticity comes Through personal Discipleship. The benefits of prayer far offset the costs of prayer. When we pray, God authenticates our lives with love that enables us to love offensive neighbors and even our enemies. Without doing it for us, He fortifies, sustains and maintains our resistance. He allows for opportunities of spiritual development and growth in grace while we build additional muscle-tone, resist temptations, and endure our growing pains.
short,” wrote Otho Jennings, “God through the death of His Son upon the Cross
has made ample provision that we should be holy; but the acceptance of free
will of these provisions is the sole responsibility of men”2
While the
Pharisees paraded their virtues in public, their dress suits advertised their
faith to their gathered admirers. Their relationships, however, reduced others,
as they refused to compromise, unwilling “to lift a finger” or ease a burden
(23:4). They gave God their leftovers, but they had their reward.
Integrity is the result of a transparent life with God. Prayer played a vital role in the public and private life of both Jesus and the Pharisees. Jesus made prayer personal in both his public life and his private life. In public, the Pharisees displayed pretentious oaths, well-measured gifts, and carefully-crafted photo-ops; in private they lived skin deep.
advised us to go into our rooms, close the door and meet God privately. He
invited us to bare our hearts and souls and allow God to bore into the core of
our being and strip off our false faces and experience true integrity that
makes public prayer a corporate sharing (Mt. 6:6). Such personal encounters with
God will eliminate the short-circuiting brought on by material values and
gravity‘s external pull.
Prayer rises
above human reasoning and earthly circumstance. Prayer lubricates life with
grace. Prayer confesses the fear that causes us to shrink from new truth.
Prayer overcomes that mediocrity that settles for the status quo. Thus, we can pray: “O God of Truth;
deliver me from the pride that thinks it has all the truth.”
By agreeing
with God, we experience transformation and
escape the attractions of prying eyes, wagging tongues, and empty minds.
A certain
prominent church installed an expensive organ, which refused to play the very
first Sunday. The Pastor sent an emergency call that quickly brought the mechanic.
The skillful mechanic soon found the reason for the power shortage and he forwarded
this note to the organist: “After prayer the power will be on.”
Jesus connected to the power fond in prayer and invited the disciples to flip the switch, pull the stops, and play the music. Like those common grocery bags we use for carrying our groceries home from the store, we have still not found anything better for powering up our prayer lives; after all this time, we have found nothing to substitute for a life of prayer.
1 From a 1982 news story interviewing Tim McKenna of Union Camp Corporation.
2 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost of Discipleship. (New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, 1st paperback ed. 1963) p. 181.
3 Kenneth Geiger, Insights Into Holiness, vol. 2. (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 1964), p. 154
Here is how you can power up in your own life and live with God's blessing;
AMERICA IS facing the most important national election since 1860, without doubt.
Above all else, we need to remember that we are one nation indivisible, under God. We love God supremely. That calls us to love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves. That makes us a community--one nation under God; and that must be the filter of our political process and how we relate to one another and respect each other as individuals. When all is said and done; that is what politics is all about.