Tuesday, October 9, 2012

On Being a Positive Force

I hope it is more than just a passing phase of where I am in life, for when I observe the current political campaign, and listen to the dreary drone of repetitious dribble passed off as media coverage, I am very aware of just how bone-weary I am with the negative-thinking pundits out there trying to re-program the rest of us into their infantile way of thinking and doing business.

I am rocked to sleep with endless Obama-bashing by a host of irrational emoters that defy reason. I have had it with Romney rebels who rationalize every sin in Washington as the fault of the President, but remain unwilling to accept the equally foolish blame for Mr. Mit when at Bain Capital. I watch Jerry Sandusky plead for his life, and the Media Circus performing its mental gymnastics, and I have to ask myself just who is right and wrong here.

It would greatly delight me to once more read one of those positive messages from that long-gone friend of so many of us, and smile with his humorous twist, as he would once again remind us, “The rooster crows but the hen delivers.”

One of those tiny vignettes Forrest Plants told in his weekly newsletter, “Hickory Hi Lights” went this way. Two taxidermists noticed an owl on display in a certain store window. They criticized the mounting. The eyes were not natural. The wings were not in proportion to the head. The feathers were not neatly arranged. The feet could surely be improved. Just as they finished their critique, the old owl turned its head … and winked at them.

We all know live owls do not display as perfectly as do dead mounts. Life, it seems, is also that way; it leaves us living it out one day at a time, hoping to get things right. As Christians, I believe we have a commitment to Christ to serve others. One of the best ways we do this is by being a positive force and avoiding the negatives that constantly tug us downward.

There is a little known story of a Presbyterian missionary, repeated by James Denton. Allegedly, a lonely grave remains on a South Pacific island in the New Hebrides bearing the name of the Rev. John Geddie, That grave is marked with a marble slab that bears this inscription:
When he came here,
There were no Christians;
When he went away,
There were no heathen.

I heartily concur with that veteran who told his congregation, “My great desire is to leave behind me a church filled with committed Christians and not even one Luke-warm heathen.” I remember another Christ-follower who wrote this positive word:
“Finally, brethren,
whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report;
if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Phil. 4:8 KJV).

From Warner’s World, I am walkingwithwarner.blogspot.com

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