When did you last look at a Little
League footballer? One day our pint-sized s
ixty-five pound bundle of explosive
energy stormed into our Mississippi parsonage, peeled off his hundred-pound
protective “suit of armor” and exploded, “I’m never going back!”

Beneath that protective gear appeared
a deeply offended eight-year-old PK (preacher’s kid), a small statured boy with
a huge sense of fair play. In his uniform, he looked as believable as his idol,
Johnny Unitas. When he joined Little League football, he felt the thrill of
game-time glory and anticipated receiving equal playing time with every other
boy his age.
His Coach, on the other hand, had
more concern about winning games than about building boys. His criteria judged
this pint-sized warrior too small for anything but bench duty. Such
disappointments transformed this boy into a fierce competitor that eventually
took up body-building and a chance to compete.
This experience, more than any other,
discouraged this wanna-be-star from competing in competitive sports. When he
had two sons of his own, he taught them “it’s more about how you play the game,
than about winning.”
Wearing the uniform of Christ’s Team
has little to do with size and skill and everything with how we wear our
uniform and play the game. Jesus does not ask us to beat-out anyone or prove
ourselves superior to another before sending us into game competition. He offers
us game time and coaches us in grace (Eph. 2:10). He challenges us to be available,
and promises his enablement in being what we appear to be.
When writing his prison epistles, Paul
challenged his readers to “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His
might.” When we take up the full armor of God, we have his assurance that we
will be able “to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand
firm” (Eph. 6:10, 13, NASV).
As a follower of Christ, I am called
to work at being believable—at becoming what I appear to be. To that end, I
need to stand my ground, locate the playing field, participate in the game, and
maintain my training schedule rather than submitting to influences preventing further
involvement. When I have done everything needed for playing the game, I need to
play--“stand firm“(v. 13).
Clearly: (1) I need to dress in full
uniform; (2) I need to practice with the team and develop the coordinated
skills (inward renewal); and (3) I need to defend the people Satan works so
hard to destroy. They are people God cares for deeply, although they come shrink-wrapped
in various economic packages, every shade of color, and speak diverse
languages. They respond unpredictably in countless ways, giving affirmation to
their created uniqueness as eternal souls. Boys, girls, men, women; they are
God’s beloved, for whom he incarnated himself in Jesus as a unique expression
of Himself (John 3:16-17).
They present opportunities of every
form, shape, size, and color describable. Each presents a potential challenge –
an occasion to affirm God’s love and resist the enemy of faith. They are
potential barriers that present opportunities for bridge-building. They are
opportunities awaiting a Godly witnessing of faith. At best; they challenge us
to stand firm in our best dress uniform.
God scans the globe, searching
recruits to enlist. Unlike our son’s Little League Coach, Jesus invites us to both
join His team and enjoy equal playing time. He promises unlimited involvement
in life’s most meaningful game; regardless of size, color, culture, or gender.
Superstars like Paul, assure us
Coach is ready, willing, and able to perfect in us (or complete) the good work
He has already begun (Philippians. 1:6).