That question came up in 2006
at which time median family income was up 18%. However,
income was up 200% for the top 1% of the wealthiest (16/War on the
Middleclass/Dobbs/2006). It has since gone to 400% in some
Dobbs a staunch Republican
reported CEOs had been paid over the five years before that an aggregate of
$865 million in compensation (CEOs of AT&T, BellSouth, Hewlett-Packard,
Home Depot, Lucent, Merck, Pfizer, Safeway, Time Warner, Verizon & Walmart)
while shareholders lost $640 billion.
That among many other
statistics found in book after book verify the economic trending of the past
forty-or-so years in which the gap between haves and have nots has been
widening, funneled up in a politically established, economically-motivated
ripping of the social fabric of American society. The rich were becoming richer
at the expense of the more vulnerable. And so it is today
So, while the masses rant,
rave, review, and revolutionize in forms that are sometimes conversational and
sometimes violent, I ask for a radical return to the teachings of Jesus, the
one who taught us to love our enemies and treat others as we want to be
treated. His principles can all be found in the Sermon on the Mount and the
four gospels and they form the heart and soul of the Christian gospel.
In Isaiah 58 that Old
Testament prophet told his people how to honor God: not with their usual
festivals of fasting and flagellating themselves and such but
“I will tell you the
kind of special day I want: Free the people you
have put in prison unfairly and undo their
chains. Free those to
you are unfair and stop their hard labor. Share your food
the hungry and bring poor, homeless people into your own
When you see someone who has no clothes, give him yours,
don’t refuse to help your own relatives. Then your light will
like the dawn and your wounds will quickly heal. Your God
walk before you, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from
Then you will call out, and the Lord will answer. You will
out, and he will say, ‘Here I am.’”
How does this play out in this
election? It simply means that if one is pro-life (for example) one is not
simply pro-life for a fetus awaiting birth. One is pro-life in recognizing all
of life as sacred and of respected value. For a business man, it means treating
one’s employees as one wants to be treated and not just as a commodity to be
traded for larger profits.
The implications are great and
if we would we could dramatically change our lives. We could change our
relationships and begin envisioning everyone a winner rather than the current
“I win you lose.” We could recognize the global community as a human family.
From Warner’s World
this is
walkingwithwarner.blogspot.com suggesting
our biggest problem is not
political difference or economic status;
we are our own worst moral
problem. It all comes down to the kind of ethics we are willing to live by.